This week, many of you will have settled down in front of the TV at 8pm, on BBC 2 to watch this year’s series of Autumnwatch. This Autumn, the show is coming from the National Trust’s Sherborne Park Estate, where Springwatch was filmed earlier in the year.
I watched the first episode excitedly from a holiday cottage in Scotland, as I had been filming with the BBC at Yew View, over the last few months, to form a feature for this year’s show. We had filmed at the end of the Summer and then again as Autumn started to show as we aimed to show some of the happenings at the site, the main feature being our badger sett. I have captured some super footage over the last year and, combined with footage of wildlife across the site, I knew there was plenty to make a really interesting piece.
We had great time filming and the animals, as usual, spent time distracting us and keeping an eye on proceedings!
I had not seen the piece before it went out, but was thrilled with the way that it had all been edited and pieced together. We discussed whether to use the badger death footage and decided that it was a really interesting piece of footage, possibly never filmed before and I felt it was very sensitively portrayed. My Twitter feed went crazy and thank you to all of those who said such lovely things about the film.
A massive thank you to the team who worked to turn all our filming and all my footage into this great feature. I am thrilled with it; a great advert for the wonderful wildlife at Yew View!
You can catch up with the piece on player HERE.
My film appears at the end of the show.