Keep an eye on my website for all the latest news, as I am putting updates on Twitter and on ‘Website Latest’ as this saves me a bit of time, with the run up to the show. The patio nest box is doing well, with the 8 or 9 chicks (still not sure!) doing really well. I have a backlog of video footage to process… but I did manage to get this clip today.
This is happier news than my poor jackdaw female. After incubating the eggs for 20 days and successfully hatching them, the lack of a mate (who disappeared after week 1 of incubation), she was unable to keep them warm and feed them and they died. It was a sad time… I had been really looking forward to watching this family. May be next year…..
The side box great tits are coming on a treat and are nearly feathered now. They will fledge by this time next week I think.
I welcomed another film crew to the WildlifeKate patch this week when David Gregory, the Science & Environment correspondant for Midland’s Today visited and filmed here. Watch out for it around the 31st May.

This week, on Wednesday, I have Gardener’s World coming to film! All very exciting, especially as they then hope to join me at my show stand at Gardener’s World Live as well…. no pressure then!
The hedgehogs have been visiting every night and I put the Bushnell out as I was pretty sure something else was eating the food in Prickly Diner too…. as the slab was completely empty in the morning. The footage revealed that various hedgehogs… at least 4 visit all night and a fox is coming too! They don’t usually come into the garden, so this was a surprise…
I was delighted to find out that some of my footage has featured on the trailer for Springwatch 2012… look out for my hedgehog, bullfinch and blue tit! I am travelling down to the set on May 31st and will be in the audience for Unsprung…. so watch out for me!
Take a look at the trailer HERE
I spent the day in the garden today… great as I spent the day at the PC yesterday. Luckily, the garden is bursting into life… all that rain and now beginning to warm up, the footage filmed next week will look very different to that from Springwatch.
Here are a few shots of the garden, late this afternoon, when the sun came out briefly!

The pond ferns and foliage has changed tremendously over the last week… in fact, where is the pond???
