Every now and then, my cameras capture footage of something completely unexpected!
Tonight, I was working at my desk, with my cameras up on my monitors next to me. I have had issues with the hard drive that runs this PC and have had to have a new hard drive installed. It has taken a while to get all my cameras up and running again and I have missed being able to watch them….. the ability to see what is happening in my garden, from my desk, has become a way of life! Hopefully, my live streams will be up and running again tomorrow.
I have an HD camera in a field next to my garden. Most nights, I put a small amount of dried dog food out for my local foxes.
Tonight, this camera captured something very exciting! A movement suddenly caught my eye…. and I was amazed to see this polecat bound right up to the camera!

It certainly has a mask, but the IR of the camera has burnt that out slightly. It is very difficult to tell if this is a pure polecat, but it certainly looks promising! I am thrilled. The rat population has certainly diminished and my foxes and this character may well have played a part in their demise!
Here is the video clip…
I have another, lower res camera here too. I have combined the clips from both and added a slow-motion version. The mask is clear, as are the guard hairs… this certainly looks like a pure polecat!
Hopefully, my fox cam will soon be live again on my website. Last year, we had 4 cubs and they visited regularly. Here is a daylight clip when they were very young….
These little guys have now grown up and I am pretty sure that my visitors include these tiny cubs. They still visit regularly. Tonight, I uploaded a couple of clips. They certainly look healthy. Hopefully, we will see more cubs around May time.
