As we reach peak bird feeding in the garden, I am appealing for everyone to have a look at that practices and to think about hygiene at their feeders.
I often talk about the importance of keeping feeders and feeding stations clean. We would not eat of plates that others had eaten off, defecated in and that had wet and mouldy food on. Such conditions create conditions rife for disease spreading between birds and different species.
I want to ensure that I do as much as I can to minimise conditions that would make the birds visiting more vulnerable to disease. Bird feeders are at the highest risk of spreading disease when the food becomes wet, as parasites and bacteria live longer in damp conditions. Also disease is spread on flat surfaces where there is wet food and where birds can defecate.
Many bird feeders are impossible to take apart. It means that food accumulates at the bottom, gets wet and mouldy and even germinates... we've all been there! I started to try to find feeders that I could take apart and that were really easy to clean. I have now made the ease of cleaning, my top priority when choosing feeders.
They may cost you a bit more, but these feeders are generally of much better quality and they will then last a lot longer and you will feel confident that you are providing the best conditions you can for your birds.
At all my feeding stations, I have a metal bin where I keep the food clean and dry. In each bin there is a cleaning spray and cloths. I get a lot fo visitors, so usually attend to the feeders daily. This means that I can easily spray and wipe over the ports and perches. It is not difficult and takes seconds. The feeders all come apart and are completely dismantled and cleaned weekly generally. I clean Wren and Teasel's bowls every day and do not leave rotten and mouldy food for them to eat..... so want to do the same at my bird feeding stations.
Below are some of the feeders I use and like because of their ease of cleaning. They are available from most big retailers.
Squirrel Buster Feeders - I love these feeders as they actually work regarding keeping squirrels off my feeders, but also that they all come apart easily. They also come with a lifetime guarantee for parts.
Squirrel Buster Classic
Squirrel Buster Plus
Squirrel Buster Evolution
Squirrel Buster seed feeder
You can find out more on the Jacobi Jayne website at

Finches Friend Feeders - These feeders have been specifically designed with minimising disease the driving force. They are well made, come apart completely and are easy to clean. The seed feeders come with two, interchangeable bases so it is very simple to just take off one base, for cleaning and then pop the spare one on. They are designed to keep the food dry and to discourage birds from walking in the food, keeping their perching away from the food. They also produce very sturdy cages for these feeders as they are not squirrel proof.
You can find out more on their website at
Several of my feeding stations have platforms. The crate feeder has a plastic roof, to keep the food as dry as possible. The other two platforms are there to try to minimise food falling on the ground and also because some species like to land on a platform as they cannot land on a perched feeder.
To try to create an environment that I can clean easily, I wanted to ensure that my platforms are really easy to clean. I will continue to be as diligent as I can regarding hygiene and cleaning at all of my feeding stations, as birds are my true love and passion. Why would I not want to look after and care for my birds to the best of my ability. It takes time and commitment, but it is worth it.
Below is a video I made, explaining how I have made some changes to my feeding platforms, using a cheap, easy to clean pizza tray!

I hope this blog post has encouraged you to review the way you feed the birds. How can you improve what you do to make it a safer place for all your feathered friends.