I can’t believe that it is May already! Time is flying past so quickly and Spring activities are already well established in my patch! Being so busy at school, home and at Yew View, the footage recording from my cameras very quickly builds up and it can be a full-time job just trying to keep up with it all! When the weather is good…. and we have had a lot of that in April, I do not want to be inside sitting at the computer, but would rather be outside in my garden and setting Bushnells to capture everything that is going on!
Last night, I attempted to save and upload some of the highlights to show some of the activity here in my patch. I have been getting some great footage from the Prickly Diner HD box that I set up this season. I have had, what appears to be, one hedgehog visitor. It does not come every night, but there is quite a lot of natural food around at the moment. A pair of wood mice have been taking advantage of the food stores though and they are great to watch. Somewhere, there is a high stash of hedgehog food!

The images from the Vivotek HD camera are brill and it is certainly the best footage I have captured so far of wild hedgehogs. Make sure you click the cog symbol and choose to watch the clips in HD to get the full experience!
The wood mice are enjoying the feast on offer…..
and of course, the inevitable rat visitor has made an appearance….
I also have a number of owl boxes up on my patch; 2 Tawny boxes and a Barn Owl Box. Jackdaws are nesting in all three! The box on the bridle path is giving the best views and I can just about see the female, who is sitting on 6 eggs, within a fortress of a nest that they built in April. These eggs should hatch mid May and give us some good views of the young.
The other box that I am getting some nice views of , are in the Squirrel Studio nest box. This box is much smaller, so the jackdaws did not seem to feel the need to fill it to the brim with sticks! This has meant that we are going to have a much clearer view of the young. This female is sitting on 5 eggs.
I also have a lovely camera angle on a blue tit nest. Her eggs are due to hatch toward the end of next week. The nest is so snuggly and deep, I can’t see how many she has, but I think it is around nine. I will be uploading some footage of her in the next few weeks, when we see the chicks hatch.
Finally, my vixens, who have cubs , are still visiting every night. Sometimes she appears before it is dark and I have been trying to capture her on the Bushnell. After 2 weeks of trying, I managed to capture one daylight clip. It is good to be able to see her in daylight, rather than just in IR on my cameras. She is tiny, but looking well. I hope to capture clips of her and her cubs in May sometime.

I am also very busy at school with lots of exciting projects going on! You can follow my progress there, on my school blog at www.mdjswildlearning.wordpress.com
Finally, I have just finished uploading my images into the BWPA (British Wildlife Photography Awards) competition. … now it is just a matter of waiting to see if any of them are good enough to catch the judges’ eye!