Watching my foxes on a daily basis, I have been trying to identify individuals. I thought I had at least 4 visiting, but a close look at recent footage, particularly over this last few week of snowy weather, has revealed at least 6 visiting. I am surprised to find this many coming on a regular basis. I think 2 of these are dogs and four are vixens.
I have given them names to try to make it easier for me to learn to recognise them and their patterns and visits.
For those who regularly watch my live cameras, keep an eye out each evening as we have visitors all evening. Hopefully these images and descriptions will help you spot individual foxes.

Dog fox
Usually first to visit in an evening
Large, stock build with broad head and snout
Black marking half way up front legs
Clear black markings on hind legs

Skittle shape black markings on hind legs
Black, triangular marking on muzzle
Darker hairs on lower neck & shoulder
No white on tail

Small fox with narrow, pointed face
Clear Triangular marking on muzzle
Black marking half way up front legs
Darker hairs on chest
Very little black on hind legs
White, tufty tip to tail

Dog fox?
Very long, narrow muzzle
Long black socks at front, thinning the shoulder
Short black socks on back legs
No white on tail

Long black ‘stockings’ on front legs
Short black socks on back legs, with slight mark above
White, tufty tip on tail
Often quite nervy
Black dot above short black socks on rear legs
Small black socks on front legs
No white on tail, tipped black
Short and stocky with short triangular face
I think 3 of the vixens are pregnant, so I hope to be filming cubs visiting around the middle of May, depending on how close they are denning to my feeding station. Exciting times!