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First fox shots from my new hide

Writer's picture: WildlifeKateWildlifeKate

At 7pm, I went out into my newly built hide… perfect… apart from two horses standing right in front, trying to work out why on earth I was sitting there! After about ten minutes, they lost interest and moved away. The only problem is that the grass is quite long at the moment, which is great for framing shots, but means you cannot see the foxes until they come onto the open grass. Usually, Fern appears low in the field, level with the hide and then walks across the field and then up to the feeding station. Last night, she appeared from the top of the field. The sun was behind her, but I tried a couple of shots that I quite liked. About 15 minutes later, she came in lower and sat on the edge of the grass. She could hear the shutter, but could not see me. She did not come as close as I would have liked though. I may try photographing on live view as there is no shutter sound then. I am just used to looking through the view finder. I have ordered a decent bean bag, like the one I borrowed when photographing the little owls. That will make it easier.

Here are a couple of my favourite shots from last night….


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