I have just spent the last half an hour looking through the last few day’s nest box footage, to get the screenshots I need for the website update… my how quickly those chicks grow!!! I have been following the plum tree and side view box in most detail as both are giving good pictures. unfortunately, it has become difficult to see all the chicks in the the plum tree nest box , as there was a very small nest cup hole and the rest of the chicks seemed to be sitting in a ‘cavern’ space underneath all the nesting material. This weekend, as the chicks are growing so quickly, that hole expanded, so I was able to see more chicks…. I have spotted nine today, but think I did actually see all ten at one point, but have not caught it on a screen shot.
I have also set up an external camera outside the side box this weekend, in preparation for them fledging. I reckon by this time next week, the chicks in both these boxes will be gone! This new camera over looks the nest box and, for anyone watching my live stream this weekend, you will have seen a split screen, showing the inside and the outside of the nest box. It is good to be able to see the parents arriving on the outside and then see them popping up inside as well. Hopefully, you will be able to watch the chicks fledge using this camera as well.

These chicks are growing at a phenomenal rate too… as you will see from the slideshow of today’s shots. They even look different from the beginning of the morning, to the end of the day! Check out the daily photos on my website, to see how they change day to day… I can’t believe that this time next week these chicks will be out in the big wide world!
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