Time seems to be accelerating and after my amazing news about the safari win last weekend, I find myself at another weekend without even having had a moment to sit down, browse the website and allow it all to sink in… that I could really be going on such a truly amazing trip in 2013!
Lots of exciting things are happening here and it looks like next year is going to be as cram-packed and as exciting as this last year…. so much has happened with the WildlifeKate business and I am delighted with the way everything has grown, developed and blossomed. To be in a position where my wildlife passion becomes my job is something very special!
Many who have followed me for a while know that I still teach 2 days a week in a primary school. I have been there for over 20 years and a month or so ago made a huge decision when a fantastic job opportunity arose that I simply could not turn down. I undertake consultancy work in a variety of other schools too, working with staff and pupils to set up nest box camera kits, feeding stations and wildlife-based work in and out of the classroom. To get a flavour of some of the work I do in schools, I have created a Flickr Collections, which you can see HERE.
I went to one school to look at an area that they wanted to develop for wildlife and, to cut a long story short, I ended up designing the area in a way that is a bit different to the standard school wildlife area! They LOVED the design! You will be seeing and hearing a lot about this project over the coming year as I will be working for this school, 2 days a week, from January 2013. My role in school will be primarily wildlife-based… to drive, build and develop this outside space and work with all of the school to develop learning using the wonderful outside spaces in school. As you can imagine, I am very excited about all the new challenges ahead. The work I do here will also be linked to the Gardeners’ World 2013 plan that am currently drawing up… bigger and more spectacular than last year’s stand… of course!!
This week, I attended the Warwickshire ICT conference and had a stand there, showcasing some of the work I do in schools, particularly using IT; nest box cam kits and Bushnell trail cams and showing how work with great bits of kit like this can fit in with the curriculum. A great day and lots of interested teachers looking for stimulating and exciting learning opportunities for their classes.

Yesterday, I joined the G-Scapes team at Curborough for their Christmas event (yes, I know it was only just Dec!!) G-Scapes helped me out a lot at Gardeners’ World Live and I was happy to go a long for the day and run an activity for kids and also display some of the work I do to the locals! I decided to make fir-cone bird feeders with kids and ask for a donation. The money raised would go to Joan at West Midlands Hedgehog Rescue, who does an amazing job rescuing and caring for hedgehogs in my region.Joan had helped me out earlier in the year with a poorly one I had had in my garden.
It was a busy day, with loads of kids going home with greasy hands and clutching a plastic bag with their wonderful feeder they had made to hang in their garden! Thank you to all the parents and kids who took part and helped me raise just under £50 for the hogs!!
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Finally, for this blog post is a mention of my new competition! Last night, I launched my 2012 Wildlife Competition with a truly amazing prize of wildlife goodies that total over £500! A MASSIVE thank you to all the companies who kindly donated these products. It really is a superb prize and I hope lots will enter and have a go!

All the details of the competition can be found on my website HERE. I have also asked for a donation when you enter… just one pound would be great… more if you feel you can give it. Again, the money will go to the West Midlands Hedgehog Rescue Centre… in very desperate need of funds, as Joan struggles to fund her amazing work and all the tiny babies that she is overwintering. Anything that you can spare would be fantastic! You can take a look at her website by clicking the image below:

Best get out into my freezing garden and get those feeders filled! There will be lots of hungry birds in the WildlifeKate patch this morning!