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Welcome to

Gwyllt Hollow



In September 2023, I moved to a beautiful location in South Wales, after 25 years at my lovely Lichfield property.  It was time to move on and to chase my dream of owning more land in a location that I could develop for wildlife. My new property has nearly 3 acres of SSSI land, right on the edge of a nature reserve in beautiful South Wales. Being  part of a limestone quarry area, I am lucky enough to have a small quarry dip, that is completely naturalised and covered in mosses and ferns. The rest of the site is a mix of mature woodland, grassland and boggy areas and is full of insects and birds... and lots more I am sure!

I have called the site 'Gwyllt Hollow'. 'Gwyllt' is welsh for wild and untamed and most of the site will remain like this, managed to support and encourage as many species as I can.

I will be documenting my journey here at my lovely new home via my blog and social media channels as well of setting up lots of exciting new cameras around the site. It's going to be an incredible journey of exploration and discovery and I just can't wait to get going!

Gwyllt Hollow appears on ITV's Coast & Country show.

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Grow Bank

Follow the development of my Grow Bank, with the aim of being as self-sufficient as I can

Coming soon!

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Nest Boxes

Keep up to date with the nest boxes I add at #GwylltHollow

Coming soon!

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Food & water

Keep up to date with the nest boxes I add at #GwylltHollow

Coming soon!


The Flock

Meet the

Gwyllt Hollow flock

Coming soon!

Gwyllt Hollow Blog

Follow my journey

Instagram posts

From Gwyllt Hollow & more

Enjoying my live cams?

Any donations, however small, towards my costs, are most welcome.


Thank you to these companies who regularly support my work

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