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WildlifeKate Blog
Diary entries documenting my wildlife projects, ideas and encounters....

My wildlife appears on BBC The One Show!
In the early Autumn I was approached by one of the researchers on BBC's The One Show. They wanted to create a fun Christmas feature and...
Dec 19, 2020

Strix and Aluco meet on the balcony!
As it looks like our tawny pair are going to nest in one of the two Yew View boxes, as they have the last few years, I have decided to...
Dec 3, 2020

Scratching and Stretching..... Sett Life of Peggy
Peggy, our Yew View badger has spent most of her days in the sett this week. She is appearing regularly at the feeding station and must...
Nov 28, 2020

Kingfisher Jewels
I was excited to see if the kingfisher had been back this week. Instead of the male, the female visited on two occasions this week. You...
Nov 28, 2020

Which Box Will She Choose?
After removing the huge hornet nest from the tawny nest box, I was keen to see if she returned to the box. The pair have been spending a...
Nov 21, 2020

Kingfishers and Grey Wagtail Beauties
I have recently installed a new camera on a post on the edge of the Yew View wildlife pond. I have been filming the visits onto this...
Nov 20, 2020

Find a track, place a trail camera!
I am a bit addicted to trail cameras. I always have some out, whether it be in my garden, at school or somewhere in my local area. The...
Nov 20, 2020

Badger Beds and Close-up Tawny
We have captured some great footage at Yew View this week. After the excitement of the hornet nest, I settled in the office to look...
Nov 14, 2020

Hornet Nest Miracle
When I returned to Yew View after the first lock-down, I must admit I was not very pleased to see a huge hornet nest in our tawny box....
Nov 13, 2020

Yew View Tawny Update
For the last three years, I have been filming a wonderful pair of tawny owls who nest in a box that I designed for them, at YewView. I...
Nov 4, 2020

Yew View Badger Sett Action
We have been a while without any badgers in the Yew View artificial sett that I built a couple of years ago. It has two chambers and has...
Nov 4, 2020

My Halloween Mammal Box gets an airing on BBC Breakfast!
When I spotted some tiny 'Munchkin' pumpkins for 50p in a local supermarket, I knew they would have to go in my Mammal Box. Along with...
Nov 3, 2020

My Feeding Platform gets an Autumn Upgrade
I have been experimenting with my garden feeding platform. My neighbour grew some really beautiful ornamental gourds this year and my...
Nov 3, 2020

Lockdown Podcasts with Ryan and Jack
I have had little time to update my blog of late as I have lots of projects going on in the background, but I am hoping to try to catch...
Aug 28, 2020

Fox Cubs make an Appearance!
I have been filming the foxes at this location for about 7 years. Some years I get loads of footage, other years hardly anything. This...
Jun 4, 2020

WildlifeKate 30 Days Wild!
I do 365 Days Wild! Every day, I appreciate something in the natural world. It could be as simple as loving the shape of a leaf or the...
Jun 1, 2020

Cake, Robins and Large Skippers
It started with a cake. This morning, I made a Victoria Sponge. I am not a big one for cooking, but I do like making cakes. My mum...
May 30, 2020

Springwatch, Podcasts and Magazines.....
Lock-down, for me, has taken away a lot of my freedom and, of course, has put a halt on all the travel plans I had for this year. I...
May 25, 2020

Life with.... and without... #Colin Robin
If you are a gardener you will, at some point, have had an encounter with a robin. As we weed or dig, it is often the robin who is the...
May 19, 2020

Wildlife Galore Lock-down!
I may be spending more time at home, but I feel I am busier than ever! This is always a busy time of the year for me, as I invariably...
Apr 30, 2020

Build your own Waterhole... from a tyre!
I have just moved one of my little Birdsy cameras on to one of the waterholes I have created in the garden. These little areas of water...
Apr 25, 2020

My Blackbird Family.... Hatch to Fledge in just 12 days!
I can hardly believe they have gone! I have been filming the story of my blackbird family in the garden, via a live camera on their nest....
Apr 13, 2020

Take this time to notice nature...
I have always 'noticed nature'... well for as long as I can remember! From buds beginning to open, frosted leaves to lovely light, I seem...
Apr 12, 2020

The Easter Mammal Box Sweet Shop goes live, for Bank Holiday Weekend!
My mammal box remains one of my most favourite camera set-ups. It is working well this year, as I am getting lots of wood mice and voles...
Apr 11, 2020
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