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WildlifeKate Blog
Diary entries documenting my wildlife projects, ideas and encounters....

May 15, 2010
New Fern images
Here are a few photos I have taken this week of Fern….

May 10, 2010
From my office window……
Fern & Flynn are still regular visitors and someone asked how close they are to the house…… tonight I took these shots from my office...
May 3, 2010
Fern Video
James, the uni student who came to film my foxes, has just sent me the link to a short clip of Fern that he took. This will form part of...

May 1, 2010
Fox…… and Crow!
Fern and Flynn are regular visitors now and the live feed is usually running from about 7pm, if I am here. This is because Fern often...
Apr 29, 2010
I can embed a video!
I have been trying to work out how to embed some videos on here! Finally have figured it out! Here’s one I did of the foxes a couple of...

Apr 26, 2010
Beautiful Fern
It was a lovely sunny evening tonight and at about 7.45pm, with the sun just getting low in the sky, Fern appeared. I grabbed my camera...

Apr 21, 2010
Flynn Photos
Fern appeared very early tonight…. about 7.30pm and I had not yet put any food out. By the time I went and put some out, she was gone! As...

Apr 20, 2010
Fox Filming
My foxes have been filmed tonight by two final year students from Staffordshire University. They contacted me yesterday as they had seen...

Apr 18, 2010
Could this be the Fox Den?
I had a wander this weekend…. up into the field next to the one I have the camera in. The only hole I could find was this one. Some hairs...
Apr 16, 2010
Foxes almost in daylight!
Fern & Flynn appeared at about 8.20pm tonight and the light was just fading. I had set my camera up to try and photograph or film them....

Apr 15, 2010
Right on time!
Fern & Flynn appeared right on time at 8.30pm. I had stood at a bedroom window over looking the field from about 8pm and saw them appear...

Apr 15, 2010
Fox den????
I went out this morning to see if I could find my fox’s den. I know it must be near, as a nursing vixen would not travel far from young...
Apr 13, 2010
Live Streaming of my cameras!
I have been experimenting with U-Stream and have live streamed my fox camera tonight. I will try and put the camera on at about 8.30pm...
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