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WildlifeKate Blog
Diary entries documenting my wildlife projects, ideas and encounters....

Jul 2, 2010
Fox update
It has been a bit quieter on the fox front the last few days. The farmer cut the grass in the field where their den is and I am not sure...

Jun 30, 2010
Fox cub video!
Today, I received my copy of Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD, a piece of software that will allow me to begin to edit my videos with a bit...

Jun 29, 2010
Cubs come out late evening!
It has been a lovely evening tonight and at about 8pm, Fern appeared right over the other side of the field with the smallest cub, Tess,...
Jun 27, 2010
Fox family update
The whole family visited the feeding station again last night… but not until gone 10pm,when it is dark. Again tonight Fern and Flynn were...
Jun 26, 2010
Cubs get new names!
I can’t keep describing my cubs by their size, so they are going to be called (big) Bill, (midi) Marvin and (tiny) Tess! Watch this space...

Jun 26, 2010
We now have THREE fox cubs!
Flynn and Fern appeared at about 9pm, just as the light was fading. I saw Fern at the bottom of the field, with a small cub and managed...

Jun 25, 2010
Cubs visit up to 1am
After yesterday’s excitement, I left the camera running in the field all night, to monitor visitors. It was pretty busy up until 1am,...

Jun 24, 2010
Fox update!!! Cubs visit feeding station!!!!
Excuse the extreme use of exclamation marks, but at about 10pm tonight, Flynn appeared at the feeding station, with a tiny cub!!! I am so...

Jun 24, 2010
Foxes visit…. but not with cubs
The last two nights, Fern and Flynn have visited, but have not bought the cubs back yet…. I am sure they will, but so wish I had had my...
Jun 23, 2010
Hedgehog visitors
The hedgehog now seems to be a regular visitor to the fox feeding staion now! I went to retrieve my camera last night at 9.30pm and it...

Jun 22, 2010
Golden evening with my fox family
I have, tonight, had a most amazing evening with my foxes! It was a lovely evening, so I set my camera up in the hedge at the feeding...

Jun 21, 2010
First fox shots from my new hide
At 7pm, I went out into my newly built hide… perfect… apart from two horses standing right in front, trying to work out why on earth I...

Jun 20, 2010
New fox hide
I decided to build a small ‘hide’ today, so I can sit out on the edge of the field to, hopefully, get some better pictures of Flynn and...
Jun 18, 2010
Fern Video
I had another go at videoing Fern…. not ideal set up…. camera resting on window sill, but I saw her sitting on the edge of the field and...

Jun 15, 2010
First good photos of Flynn
Although Fern visits the feeding station every night, Flynn tends to come after dusk, so I do not see him quite as much. Last night,...

Jun 4, 2010
My new lens and Fern… the perfect model!
I am now the proud owner of a Sigma 150-500mm lens, thanks to a recent nursery photoshoot I did! Tonight, I had my first ‘go’ with it. I...

May 27, 2010
New Fern Photos
It was a nice bright evening tonight, without being sunny and I saw Fern quite early, in the field, so I set the camera out on the edge...
May 26, 2010
Fern visits for chicken scraps
Fern & Flynn are still visiting every night….. well, it can be anywhere from about 6pm, depending how early I remember to put the food...

May 22, 2010
Fern 22nd May
I decided to sit up close to the hedge in the field tonight as it was such a lovely evening and see if I could get some pictures of the...

May 15, 2010
New Camera Remote
I have been wanting to set up my camera in the field and then fire it remotely so I can take some pictures, close-up of Fern and Flynn...
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