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WildlifeKate Blog
Diary entries documenting my wildlife projects, ideas and encounters....

Oct 8, 2010
Today’s i-catcher footage
I watched a few different cameras today as I worked and put i-catcher on to catch a few snippets of today’s action! I have moved a...

Sep 14, 2010
Sparrowhawks and foxes….
I stood in the conservatory just before 7am this morning, sipping my tea and watching the bird feeder activity, when there was a sudden...
Aug 18, 2010
Cubs squabbling Video
The video finally uploaded… these cubs have grown so much. Fern also makes an appearance at the start, but does not get much of a look in!

Aug 17, 2010
Filming IR camera feed
All three cubs were back tonight, squabbling over some tasty chicken morsels left over from tea. I can create video clips using...

Aug 16, 2010
Fox cub fights
All three cubs turned up at the feeding station tonight and there was a lot of squabbling! They are almost impossible to tell apart now,...
Aug 11, 2010
Tess, Marvin and Fern… new video
Here is a quick video, consisting of 3 clips I filmed recently. The first cub is Tess…. growing up fast, but the same pointed face and...

Aug 11, 2010
Flynn discovers peanut feast!
Another badger free night…. but Flynn, as well as hedgehogs and squirrels etc soon munched their way through the peanuts! Interestingly,...

Aug 10, 2010
Hedgehog….squirrel….bank vole….mouse…… but no badgers
Another badger free night on ‘badger’ cam! Plenty of visitors taking advantage of the peanut feast though… hedgehogs, squirrel, plus...

Aug 8, 2010
Wow, we have grown!
I have just returned from a week away in wet and windy Cornwall and I have really missed my wildlife watching in the garden. A neighbour...

Jul 27, 2010
General garden updates
I have been so busy recently, I haven’t really had as much time as I would like to be in my garden and updating my blog. Hopefully over...

Jul 23, 2010
Bold Bill
Bill is becoming a regular early visitor now…. arrived today at 7.45pm, when light is still quite good. I have set the camera up on...

Jul 18, 2010
Animal update
Hedgehog is visiting every evening now, but with weather not being quite so good the last few nights, I haven’t got out to take any new...

Jul 14, 2010
Latest Fern and Bill photos
I managed to get some shots of Fern and Bill the other evening…. here is a selection of them…. Here are a few of Bill… growing up fast!
Jul 13, 2010
Bill visits on drizzly evening
Bill appeared tonight at 8.30pm. The light was pretty low as it is a dismal evening here, but I am really pleased because he has done...
Jul 11, 2010
Fox Family Frolic!
Here is my video of my beautiful fox family, relaxing and playing at dusk. The video is rather grainy and has been enhanced using Sony...
Jul 11, 2010
Cub Video
Here is the video I took a couple of days ago. It shows the largest cub, Bill and then at the end, a little bit with tiny Tess! Just...

Jul 10, 2010
Best moment so far with fox family!
I am still buzzing from the most special moments I have just shared with my beautiful fox family. Tiny Tess appeared quite early, just as...
Jul 7, 2010
Fox update
The farmers have been cutting, turning and baling the hay in the field that the fox den is in and I think they have been a little...
Jul 4, 2010
I see all 5 foxes!
I just stood at the window to see if the foxes had appeared…. been quite slow tonight with Fern and Tess appearing over the far side but...
Jul 4, 2010
Fern and cubs
Last night, Fern bought both cubs to the field. In fact, I have not seen three cubs since that first night on the night camera. She sat...
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