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WildlifeKate Blog
Diary entries documenting my wildlife projects, ideas and encounters....

May 2, 2015
Jackdaws and Hedgehogs & Foxes
I can’t believe that it is May already! Time is flying past so quickly and Spring activities are already well established in my patch!...

Mar 20, 2015
Fox cubs on the way!
For the last 4 years or so, I have regularly put a small amount of dried dog food out in the field next to my house, to watch the foxes...

Aug 25, 2014
Night-time Visitors!
Many of you will be familiar with the live stream HD feeders cams on the front of my website. If you click on the ‘Watch my other live...
Mar 31, 2014
First Fox Den Bushnell Clips
I have been feeding foxes here for nearly 4 years now and have watched cubs grow up and families come and go. This year, I am pretty sure...
May 6, 2013
The first fox cubs appear in the field!
After watching all the Bushnell footage of the beautiful fox cubs, I was sitting at my desk working last night, when something new...

May 6, 2013
Fox Den update
After finding a fox den last week, I have had it staked out with Bushnells, trying to capture some good clips before the cubs start...

May 1, 2013
Fox Cubs!!!!!!
My daughter came rushing upstairs on her return home last night to say her and her boyfriend had just seen two tiny cubs in the lane… in...

Feb 16, 2013
Could these be possible Fox dens?
For the last two years, I have searched my local area, trying to work out where my fox family are sleeping during the day and possibly...
Jan 3, 2013
Fox, rabbit and badger on latest Bushnell NatureView upload
Another couple of nights out and I have some more night-time clips from the Bushnell NatureView. It was interesting to see the reaction...
Jan 1, 2013
First clips from the new Bushnell NatureView HD Cam
I am lucky enough to have got my hands on the new Bushnell NatureView HD Cam (119438) and I set it up in a couple of locations over the...
Jul 31, 2012
More Fox Cubs!
With the cubs deciding to appear at about 9pm, just before it gets dark, I set 2 Bushnell HD cams up in the field. These are the new 2012...

Jul 31, 2012
Fox Cubs growing fast!
This year, I have had two sets of cubs; two from my original vixen, Fern and two from her daughter who is now 2 years old. They were born...
Apr 28, 2012
Daylight Fox Visit
My foxes are just starting to appear before dark now and today, this vixen appeared at about 5.30pm. She was too nervous to come to the...
Apr 3, 2012
Side box action and fox cub potential!
The weather was lovely on Tuesday morning, so I was out in the garden to do a bit of tidying up before the predicted cold spell hit. With...

Feb 5, 2012
Snowy Trails
The temperature dropped rapidly on Saturday and by early afternoon, the snow had started. The feeders were really busy and I filled some...

Jan 5, 2012
Is this den being used??
A month or so now, I moved one of my cameras so it faced a possible fox den that is in a hedgerow. I placed my Bushnell trophy cam there,...
Dec 23, 2011
Fox Family Update
It seems a long time ago now that Fern first appeared with her four cubs in the field, back in early summer. At this time of year, my...

Dec 14, 2011
I set up a possible fox den camera….
I collected my Bushnells this morning… a few rabbits on one, but the hole that is closest to my house had quite a few captures (stills) f...

Dec 11, 2011
What den are my foxes using now???
I am hoping for snow this winter as I may get some more clues as to which den my foxes are using at the moment. I set off this morning...
Aug 6, 2011
Bushnell Clips from Badger Hollow
I went and collected the Bushnells this afternoon. One had slipped around in the loose sand, and was no longer facing the entrance sadly....
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