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WildlifeKate Blog
Diary entries documenting my wildlife projects, ideas and encounters....

The Importance of Hygiene at your Feeding Stations
As we reach peak bird feeding in the garden, I am appealing for everyone to have a look at that practices and to think about hygiene at...
Dec 21, 2024

WildlifeKate Patch Update: Feeders, Foxes and Snack Bar Visitors!
As the weather has got colder, the numbers of birds on my feeder has increased and they are motoring through the food! I feed a mix of...
Dec 16, 2018

Snack Bar Soup, Daylight foxes and Birds Galore…
Lots of new footage from my patch on tonight’s blog. With lots of work on at the moment, it’s hard to keep on top of all the footage and...
Dec 2, 2018

The latest Wildlife Highlights from my Patch
There is often a bit of a lull in my garden, in terms of wildlife, at the end of the summer and beginning of the Autumn. The garden never...
Oct 5, 2018

New Garden Feeding Stations
Over the next month or so, I will be having a range of new feeding stations coming online to live stream on my website. With Autumn...
Sep 8, 2017

The First Day on the New Feeders….
Yesterday, I posted a blog post about two new feeding stations I have set up in my garden. These feeding stations live stream on my...
Sep 26, 2016

Getting ready for Big Garden and Big Schools’ Birdwatch
I always enjoy the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch and I always organise events at school for the Big Schools’ Birdwatch. I watch birds every...
Jan 24, 2016

My Fantastic Feeder Visitors!
If you are familiar with my website, you will know that I live stream from two feeding stations in my garden… from my Hub Feeders and my...
Feb 22, 2015

Boxing Day Photography
I have been meaning to spend a bit of time photographing the birds from my hub and I collected some lovely berry-laden twigs to place...
Dec 26, 2013

A New Feeding Platform
I have been thrilled with the HD footage I have been getting from my new cameras and the responses from my followers about the live...
Dec 26, 2013

Exciting new feeders hit British shores in the WildlifeKate Patch!
I was excited to be contacted a month or so ago by a company who were now selling a range of exciting new bird feeders from the States....
Oct 6, 2013

A new Feeding Station for the Hub
I have been planning a new feeding station for outside my hub for a few weeks now. When my hub went up last summer, I had not originally...
Apr 6, 2013

An unexpected visit from BBC Midlands Today!
I was delighted to welcome David Gregory-Kumar, Science Correspondent from Midlands Today back to my garden today, after they contacted...
Jan 21, 2013
January Snow Deluge!
I know the forecast said it was going to snow heavily… but I don’t think I have seen this much fall in such a short time for as long as I...
Jan 18, 2013
A Day on the Fat Bar Feeder
With the temperature dropping, my fat bar feeder has been very popular today. Just above it I have fixed a high res next box camera. This...
Jan 17, 2013

Goldcrest beauties!
I was delighted today to hear the familiar high-pitched call of a goldcrest and after a bit of searching, I found a pair feeding high in...
Jan 13, 2013

New Window Feeder………
I am well-known for my obsession with bird feeders… especially if they are a bargain! When I saw this window feeder in a bargain store,...
Jan 12, 2013

New Bird Bar Set-up
To open the curtains this morning to yet another day of pouring rain, grey skies and gusty winds was rather depressing to say the least....
Dec 29, 2012
Making Bird Feeder Garlands
With my nephews, Rory (aged 5) & James (aged 3)and niece Emma (aged 1 ) visiting today, I thought I had better get some stuff organised...
Dec 10, 2011
New mealworm cam now online!
I spotted this new little mealworm feeder in Wilkinsons this week and at £6, I thought it was quite good value. It is pretty sturdy and...
Sep 3, 2011
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